33 Tangents – Episode #16 – Analyzing Utah air quality data with Randy Zwitch

What does air quality have to do with data and collaboration? This week Randy Zwitch, Senior Developer Advocate at MapD, joins Jason and Jim to talk about his love of data and collaborating with developers remotely. Randy and Jason have been working together on a project using MapD’s platform and air quality data from Jason’s […]

33 Tangents – Episode #15 – Keeping Things Simple and the Paradox of More Data

Having more data available is always good and you can never have enough, right? What could go wrong with having many sources of data? This week Jim, Jason, and Jon tackle the paradox of having too much data and what leads to it. Often times we see organizations that are struggling to understand exactly what […]

33 Tangents – Episode #14 – Being “Always On” and Distractions

This week Jim, Jon, and Jason discuss two different, yet related problems faced by remote workers today. The first is the concept of being “always on.” The expectation, explicitly stated or implied, that you’re always accessible via phone, or email, or a messaging platform such as Slack. The second piece is distractions, this could be […]