Adobe’s performanceTiming plugin, with some improvements and an explanation

As Page Performance (rightfully) gets more and more attention, I’ve been hearing more and more questions about the Performance Timing plugin from Adobe consulting. Adobe does have public documentation for this plugin, but I think it deserves a little more explanation, as well as some discussions of gotchas, and potential enhancements. How It Works Adobe’s Page […]

Using Omniture’s Link Handler Plug-in

  In this tutorial you will learn how to use Omniture’s Link Handler Plug-in to capture additional data to describe links that are being clicked on.   Special thanks to Andreas Dierl   Code Mentioned [javascript] /* * Plugin: linkHandler 0.5 – identify and report custom links */ s.linkHandler=new Function(“p”,”t”,”” +”var s=this,h=s.p_gh(),i,l;t=t?t:’o’;if(!h||(s.linkType&&(h||s.linkN” +”ame)))return ”;i=h.indexOf(‘?’);h=s.linkLeaveQueryString||i

Using Omniture's Link Handler Plug-in

  In this tutorial you will learn how to use Omniture’s Link Handler Plug-in to capture additional data to describe links that are being clicked on.   Special thanks to Andreas Dierl   Code Mentioned [javascript] /* * Plugin: linkHandler 0.5 – identify and report custom links */ s.linkHandler=new Function(“p”,”t”,”” +”var s=this,h=s.p_gh(),i,l;t=t?t:’o’;if(!h||(s.linkType&&(h||s.linkN” +”ame)))return ”;i=h.indexOf(‘?’);h=s.linkLeaveQueryString||i