4 Simple Tricks to Optimize Mobile Forms

Stock MobileIf visitors accessing your site from a mobile device aren’t in the majority, they will be soon so there should be no excuses not optimize your key conversion funnels for mobile. Unfortunately, when it comes to mobile optimization, the conversation typically starts and ends with responsive design. While utilizing a responsive design is a very important initial step, there are many other key user experiences that should be evaluated for optimization opportunities.

Mobile Optimization Case Study

Client Type: Lead Gen

Hypothesis: Designing a lead form that is optimized for mobile devices will provide a more enjoyable user experience that results in an increased conversion rate.

Test Executed: A|B test served to 8,000 mobile visitors, from the United States, to a lead generation form over a 14 day period.
Mobile Optimization Campaign

Field and Font size

Notice in the Control how the form isn’t utilizing the entire screen. We took this opportunity to increase the size of each form element as well as the size of the form field labels. This simple, yet powerful, step allowed us to create a more readable form while still fitting the entire form into view without the need to swipe.

Reduced Number of Form Fields

Reducing the complexity of your form, while helpful for desktop versions, is critical for mobile optimized forms. As this campaign was targeted to visitors from the United States, it was a no brainer to remove the country drop-down. Also, as visitors are supplying their zip code, we are able to remove the state field as well. What you don’t see, is that we are populating a hidden state field based on a zip code lookup. Removing two fields should result in a cleaner design that also reduces friction points.

Eliminate Clicks

Anytime it is possible, we try to reduce the number of steps needed to complete a process. In this case, we know that most visitors to this form are homeowners, so rather than forcing them to select their ownership status from a drop-down, we have chosen to preselect a checkbox indicating that the visitor is a homeowner. Reducing clicks and therefore points of potential friction, will result in increased conversion rates.

Utilize Mobile Friendly Keyboards

Mobile Keyboards

On fields like zip codes, email addresses, and telephone numbers, you can reduce friction points by swapping out the default mobile keyboard, as shown in the control, for a specialized keyboard that aligns with the type of data you are trying to capture.

For example, if you are looking to collect an email address, try setting the input type=”email” or if you are collecting a number like a zip code, try setting the input type=”telephone”.

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While these changes may seem simple, perhaps even obvious, putting them into practice can have a huge impact on whether a visitor converts on your site or they decide to go check out a competitor’s site.


 The mobile optimized form experienced a 67% Lift in conversion rate when compared to the control with 96% confidence.