A Near Year Brings New Features to Adobe Launch

The New Year brings a number of useful features to Adobe Launch, which include:

          [icon name=”fa-rocket”] Asynchronous Launch Deployment
          [icon name=”fa-rocket”] Rule Ordering
          [icon name=”fa-rocket”] New Data Elements
          [icon name=”fa-rocket”] New Conditions

Asynchronous Launch Deployment

A long-requested feature for the DTM platform, the ability to deploy Launch asynchronous addresses an often-voiced performance concern. In general, one can expect better page load performance with asynchronous deployment.

Launch - Async

33 Sticks strongly advises careful consideration of the implications and thorough testing before migrating to the asynchronous solution.
Two primers on Asynchronous Launch

     [icon name=”fa-external-link”] https://medium.com/launch-by-adobe/asynchronously-loading-the-launch-runtime-library-cfe513c6fcca
     [icon name=”fa-external-link”] https://marketing.adobe.com/resources/help/en_US/experience-cloud/launch/async.html

Rule Ordering

Upon the initial release, multiple actions within a rule proved the only UI-based method to ensure order of execution.

Launch - Multiple_Actions_Target_Small

This ability expands to rules for instances where they share an event. The Launch user sets a numeric priority for each rule, where, the lower number wins. When a particular event triggers, the rule with the lowest defined “order” executes first. This feature furthers control over rule execution offered within the Launch interface.

Launch - Rule_Order

     [icon name=”fa-info”] These methods ensure the respective rule/action executes in order. It does not provide guarantees they complete in the same order.
     [icon name=”fa-info”] Neither method ensures completion of the first rule/action before subsequent ones.

New Data Elements

Page Info

A set of frequently used page parameters are available by default when creating a new data element.  These include items such as URL, page title, and referrer.

Launch - New_Data_Element_Page_Info

Random Number

Additionally, a random number data element is now available. User configurable, this data element meets a frequent requirement of various pixels.

Launch - New_Data_Element_Random

New Conditions


Two new conditions are available with this release. The first labeled sampling, allows the user to set a percentage of how frequently they would like the tag to fire. This leverages a random number generated in the browser. If the random number is less than the number set for frequency, then the condition passes.

Launch - Condition_Sampling

     [icon name=”fa-info”] Given the client-side nature of this feature, the condition may not trigger precisely at the defined rate. However, variance should prove minimal.
     [icon name=”fa-info”] This condition works per rule firing. It does not place an individual into a persistent sample group.


Date Range

The date range condition allows for a number of configurations. These include start date after a given date, end tag after a given date and run a tag between two dates.

Launch - Condition_Date_Range_v2

     [icon name=”fa-info”] Hypothetically, an incorrect clock on the client-side may result in the condition triggering at an unexpected time.


[author] Joe Orlet [author_image timthumb=’on’]https://33sticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Profile.png[/author_image] [author_info]Joe is a Principal Consultant at 33 Sticks specializing in architecting and implementing Digital Marketing Solutions. Joe’s years of experience includes solving difficult digital marketing problems for many of the best known brands in the world.[/author_info] [/author]