Jenn Kunz to Present at ObservePoint Virtual Summit

Jennifer Kunz

Join us for Observepoint’s Virtual Analytics Summit on October 25th! I’ll have the opportunity to speak about measuring and improving not just your data quality, but also the value you get OUT of the data: your data ecosystem, your processes, and your team’s roles.


In our industry, there is (deservedly) a lot of attention given to the health and quality of our data. Yet many organizations aren’t getting value out of their data, not (just) because the data is unhealthy, but because the org doesn’t have the right processes, people or overall mindset to be truly data-driven. Many orgs are still REactive about their data, rather than PROactive- the product team announces a new site feature, and the analytics team has to squeeze in some tracking at the last moment. Or the analytics team is so busy managing pixels and dashboard requests that they don’t actually get to dive in and gather insight to inform business decisions.

This became even more apparent with the roll out of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) last Spring- many companies were not (and perhaps are still not) ready to comply by the May 25th roll out. Our industry’s ability to be proactive and get in front of such initiatives isn’t a data quality issue (though certainly, rolling it out will be easier if your solution is well-documented and reliable)- it’s a matter of ownership, support, governance, and priority.

My presentation will walk through specific questions you can ask yourself to measure where there are opportunities for improvement in your ecosystem, with your processes, and with your roles/resources/ownership, as well as specific recommendations for next steps you can take. It will end with a Q&A session- I’d love to hear from you! Sign up for free on the event site, and check out the other amazing speakers and topics for the day.


Published by Jenn Kunz

Jenn is an industry expert on Adobe Analytics, Implementation, Tag Management, and Data Layers. Her favorite video game is currently Horizon Zero Dawn, her favorite board game is currently Ex Libris, and herfavorite books are the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson. She is based out of Marietta, Georgia.

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