IQ WorkForce Interview with Jason Thompson about 33 Sticks

1. Firstly, can you tell us about 33 Sticks? I understand that you are an analytics consultancy, but you seem to be going out of your way to say that you are not “web analysts.” That’s kind of weird because when I think of you and Hila, I do think about web analytics. Please explain.

33 Sticks is an analytics boutique that provides business advisory services to established brands, early-stage startups, and marketing agencies.

It was important for us to message to the market that we are not “web analysts”, since web analytics is only part of what we do. At 33 Sticks, we are business advisors that just happen to be really good with using data to help our clients. Our clients come to us because they have problems that need to be solved and they know that we will find and make use of whatever data we can get our hands on, and be able to define solutions to their problems.

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