Data Storytelling – Introduction

Many people have written about this ‘new’ topic of data storytelling. I don’t think it’s a new topic, rather, it’s the topic that is finally getting relevance now that so much data exists in businesses and in the world. That said, there has never been as much accessibility of tools, software and data sets to tell stories about.

Data stories are the combination of 3 components: Data, Visualization, and a Narrative. When combined effectively, those three components will transform into a story that effectively resonates with your peers, stakeholders or the general public.

Throughout this series of posts, I’ll highlight my approach to telling good stories with data through my 3 step Data Story framework:

1. The SETUP

2. The STORY


I’ll share experiences I’ve had with real clients and hopefully it will help you unlock new opportunities for yourself and the companies you work for (or with as a consultant).

For this 3-part series on Data Storytelling, I’ll assume you are competent in finding insights worth sharing and we’ll focus on the presentation and story itself. I’ll be developing a series of posts as well about deriving insights from data through effective analysis best practices – so be sure to check back soon for those additional posts.

Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or directly through email at Thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to connecting soon!

[author][author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Bryant joins 33 sticks with 15 years of software consulting, advertising agency, education instruction and leadership experience. His passion is for elevating and leading people in all aspects of his life both professionally and personally. He’s based out of Salt Lake City, UT.
[/author_info] [/author]

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