Data Storytelling – Part 2 – The STORY

Other posts in this series:Data Storytelling – Introduction1. The SETUP2. The STORY3. The SUGGESTION Within ‘The Story’ section of your analysis – your goal is to support your thesis through compelling visuals, charts and data points. As you build those visuals, write a compelling narrative that describes the insight you’re deriving from the data set […]

Jenn Kunz to Present at ObservePoint Virtual Summit

Join us for Observepoint’s Virtual Analytics Summit on October 25th! I’ll have the opportunity to speak about measuring and improving not just your data quality, but also the value you get OUT of the data: your data ecosystem, your processes, and your team’s roles. In our industry, there is (deservedly) a lot of attention given […]

The Frequent Flyer of Digital

During my travels, I always get this intrinsic feeling when walking through the airports.  The feeling of passing through a space intermittently as an intersection of life and travel that is somewhat odd yet intriguing.  I’ve been to many places but only in passing through this gap in travel.  Kind of like window shopping but […]

Your game plan is worthless unless you can execute

Why are so few analytics experts freely sharing their knowledge? Is it a competition thing?   Whenever I hear of people closely guarding their analytics strategies, I can’t help thinking about the Utah Jazz in the days of “Stockton to Malone.”   Every team knew that the Jazz were going to continually run the pick […]

Research In Creative Podcast: Data Based Decision Making

This week, I made a guest appearance on the Research In Creative Podcast where I talked about how:   Organizations need to do a better job collaborating data types to make holistic business decisions Social media offers the ability for organizations and individuals to create relationships that might otherwise never happen Analytics and digital optimization […]

Value Generated Is More Important Than Hours Worked

When we established 33 Sticks, one of the first, and most important, decisions we made was that we would charge our clients for the value we deliver rather than the hours we work.   I’m paraphrasing Alan Weiss, consultant/speaker/author, here as he says it best, any time you are charging by the time unit, you […]

Test&Target Global mBox Strategy

A traditional Test&Target deployment requires individual mBoxes to be added to specific site content that has been identified for optimization.   Example:   [javascript] [/javascript]   This approach makes swapping in test content really easy, I just need to create an HTML Offer that contains a different image that I want to test:   Sample […]