33 Tangents – Episode #69 – Trust Culture with Dan Roden

The business world is often thought of as cold and calculating. The only purpose employees serve is to make widgets and check items off a list. When push comes to shove, employees are cut loose when finances are tight. Employees are scared to reach out and ask for help for fear of being seen as […]

33 Tangents – Episode #60 – How Do You Develop Transferrable Skills

A job that is in demand today can easily become obsolete in the future.  As time progresses, industries can and will contract.  Job automation has always been and always will be a threat to jobs, no matter the skill level (The robots are taking our jobs!) especially as AI is becoming more and more of […]

33 Tangents – Episode #59 – Netflix Queues and Documentary Recommendations

As a follow up to last week’s discussion around reading lists and book recommendations, this week Jim, Jason, and Jon discuss what is in their Netflix queue and documentary recommendations. THANK YOU We know your time is limited, so it means a lot to us that you would spend some of your time with us. […]

33 Tangents – Episode #58 – Summer Reading List

It’s that time of year when many are preparing for vacation and looking for some reading material to take with them.  This week Jim, Jon, and Jason discuss what is on their summer reading list and other recommendations they have. BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS The Laws of Human Nature The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many […]

33 Tangents – Episode #57 – Starting a Family and Maintaining Balance

The concept of Work-Life Balance started out like all things do, as something that is well-intentioned.  It feels like that in recent years “Work-Life Balance” has become cliche and is used as a recruiting tactic employed by companies.  Using Jim as an example, Jason, Jon, and Jim talk about how to maintain balance in your […]

33 Tangents – Episode #56 – Talking New Age-y Business Trends with Evan LaPointe and Randy Zwitch

This week Jason and Jim are joined by friends of the show and past guests Evan LaPointe and Randy Zwitch.  What started as a comment on Twitter lead to this conversation about new age-y business stuff; the trends in business that often turn out to be fads. Randy Zwitch – Senior Director of Developer Relations – […]

33 Tangents – Episode #55 – Dealing With A Client That Micromanages

As consultants, we’ve all been there.  You come across that one client that wants to micromanage you as if you were one of their own employees.  This kind of practice is unhealthy when it comes to employees and can be downright disastrous with consultants.  What are the issues a consultant can experience when a client […]

33 Tangents – Episode #54 – Dealing with the Analytics Turnover Problem

Photo By: unsplash-logoCraig Whitehead The Analytics space is one that sees rapid turnover.  According to Corey Prohens at IQ Workforce is that most who work in analytics, either on the implementation or on the analysis & insights side, move jobs every 18 months.  This results in a feeling of repeated reset and slow progression.  What […]

33 Tangents – Episode #53 – We’ve been podcasting for a year

It’s hard to believe but it’s been a year since we launched the podcast and published our first episode.  This week, Jason, Jon, and Jim take a moment to look back and discuss how we got started, what we’ve learned, and where we think we’ll go next.   Most Downloaded Episodes Episode #37 – Talking […]

33 Tangents – Episode #52 – Talking Data Layers with Jim Gordon – Part 2

This week Jim and Jason welcome back Jim Gordon to continue their discussion regarding data layers.  While last week focused on the technical intricacies of data layers, this week the attention turned toward the business need for data layers and why they are needed. STUFF WE MENTIONED Exploring Abandoned Places [YouTube.com] Hog Hollow Trail [AllTrails.com] […]