Market Basket Analysis With Adobe Analytics And RSiteCatalyst

Any merchandiser can tell you their top-selling product. If you ask what the top product combination is sold on their website, they might actually know (there’s a lot of sharp people out there!), but you’re also likely hear a guess like “multiple variations of top-selling product.” Obvious, but not very insightful.

Avoid the Marketing Pixel Wasteland

With the rapid adoption of Tag Management Solutions (TMS), the ability to deploy marketing conversion pixels has never been easier. However, with that ease comes the potential danger of pushing marketing pixels to your site without regard to process or governance.

This undisciplined approach to pixel management often leads to sites becoming bloated with pixels, many of which are for campaigns that ended months, if not years, ago. A marketing pixel wasteland, if you will.

Learn how investing in some light-weight process to manage your marketing pixels will save you time and money.

Python for Business: Identifying Duplicate Data

Data Preparation is one of those critical tasks that most digital analysts take for granted as many of the analytics platforms we use take care of this task for us or at least we like to believe they do so. With that said, Data Preparation should be a task that every good analyst completes as part of any data investigation.

Programmatic Data Analysis a Critical Skill for Digital Analysts

Ever since Randy Zwitch first introduced RSiteCatalyst, an Adobe Analytics R package, to the world, the Digital Analytics industry has had a fascination with programmatic data analysis. For a time, it was the hot topic to be caught discussing at conferences, the thought-leaders were blogging about it, and experts opined about it on their favorite podcasts.

How to Sell Your Boss On a New Data Layer

If a tag management solution is the framing of your dream house, the data layer is the foundation upon which your dream house will be built. However very few people get excited about laying a foundation, especially the people writing the checks, so how do you sell your boss on making the investment needed to deploy a solid data layer foundation?

4 Simple Tricks to Optimize Mobile Forms

If visitors accessing your site from a mobile device aren’t in the majority, they will be soon so there should be no excuses not optimize your key conversion funnels for mobile. Unfortunately, when it comes to mobile optimization, the conversation typically starts and ends with responsive design. While utilizing a responsive design is a very important initial step, there are many other key user experiences that should be evaluated for optimization opportunities.