The Dreaded Question: “Why Doesn’t This Metric in System A Exactly Match System B?”

Imagine if you will, a prospect hires you to come in and design a new analytics implementation using a new tool. Everything is going great and you’re getting all the information you need from the stakeholder interviews you’ve conducted. You’ve identified all the systems in play, including the incumbent analytics tool that is going to […]

Adding a Sexy UI to RSiteCatalyst using Shiny

Before we begin, it is important to mention that we have long been strong supporters of the work that Randy Zwitch, Willem Paling & Jowanza Joseph have done to create and maintain the extremely powerful Adobe Analytics R Package, RSiteCatalyst. Their dedication to this open-source effort often goes unrecognized which, as the idea of using programmatic analysis for digital analytics data becomes a more accepted practice, we hope will change.

Designing Solutions – Be in a Strong Position by Optimizing Your Starting Point

Those that have worked with me over the years know that I often talk in sports analogies due to my love of sports. Many times with sports you hear folks say that it doesn’t matter how you got there as long as you have a successful finish. The thing is, if you want to have successful finishes more often than not, you need to make sure you and your team are starting in the strongest position possible. In my years designing digital analytics and marketing technology solutions, I’ve come across two schools of thought around starting engagements, either starting fresh with each new client or using the same prescribed templates each time.