33 Tangents – Episode #74 – The Document is Not the Deliverable

With many engagements, the focus is a document. Questions like “What is the status of the document?” and “When will the documentation be delivered?” are often asked. The document is viewed as the deliverable when in actuality, the document is not the deliverable. The solution conveyed in the document and the process to identify and […]

33 Tangents – Episode #73 – Making Business Personal

In a recent episode, Jim and Jason talked with Dan Roden about building a culture of trust. This week Jim, Jason, and Bryant talk about another business taboo, being personal. There is a common belief that business needs to be formal, cold, and boring. Anything going on with a person outside of work should be […]

33 Tangents – Episode #72 – Really Smart People Make Really Bad Managers

    We’ve all seen this, heck it may have even been us at times in our career. You have a really smart person who is amazing at their job. They are promoted into a leadership position and they fall flat on their face. They are inept as a manager and the respect they had […]

33 Tangents – Episode #69 – Trust Culture with Dan Roden

The business world is often thought of as cold and calculating. The only purpose employees serve is to make widgets and check items off a list. When push comes to shove, employees are cut loose when finances are tight. Employees are scared to reach out and ask for help for fear of being seen as […]

Industry Docs Series #1: the Solution Design Reference (the not-so-secret sauce)

Almost every organization that uses Digital Analytics has some combination of the following documents: Business Requirements Document Solution Design Reference/Variable Map Technical Specifications Validation Specifications/QA Requirements All of the consulting agencies use them and may even have their own special, unique versions of them. They’re often heavily branded and may be closely guarded. And it […]

33 Tangents – Episode #60 – How Do You Develop Transferrable Skills

A job that is in demand today can easily become obsolete in the future.  As time progresses, industries can and will contract.  Job automation has always been and always will be a threat to jobs, no matter the skill level (The robots are taking our jobs!) especially as AI is becoming more and more of […]

33 Tangents – Episode #59 – Netflix Queues and Documentary Recommendations

As a follow up to last week’s discussion around reading lists and book recommendations, this week Jim, Jason, and Jon discuss what is in their Netflix queue and documentary recommendations. THANK YOU We know your time is limited, so it means a lot to us that you would spend some of your time with us. […]

Enhanced logging for Direct Call Rules and Custom Events for Launch/DTM

UPDATE: The wonderful devs behind Adobe Launch have seen this and may be willing to build it in natively to the product. Please go upvote the idea in the Launch Forums! As discussed previously on this blog, Direct Call Rules have gained some new abilities so you can send additional info with the _satellite.track method, […]