33 Tangents – Episode #100 – How to Plan Your Day Yet Remain Flexible

On our last episode, we discussed making conscious decsions when planning your day. The expected result is being able to accomplish the items you’ve designated as critical without being waylaid or distracted for any number reasons. On this week’s episode of 33 Tangents, Jim and Jason discuss how recent a client reached out to with […]

33 Tangents – Episode – #99 – From the Archives: Talking UK Ecommerce with Adam Woodhouse, Insights Manager at Dixons Carphone

We’re taking a break the next couple of weeks and will return with new episodes starting next week. This episode originally aired on August 24, 2018. This week Jim, Jenn, and Jason sit down and chat with Adam Woodhouse, Senior Ecommerce Insights Manager at Dixons Carphone. They discuss the typical challenges faced by Adam on […]

33 Tangents – Episode #98 – From the Archives: Billing Models

We’re taking a break the next couple of weeks and will return with new episodes starting on March 27, 2020. This episode originally aired on August 31, 2018. This week, Jim, Jon, and Jason dig into one of Jason’s favorite topic – agency billing models. Traditionally, agencies and consulting firms bill by the hour. Every […]

33 Tangents – Episode #97 – Making Conscious Choices When Planning Your Day

We’ve all heard the analogy of sharpening the saw. We know that approach is usually the best solution, but what about analytics and marketing organizations that are staffed to the point where they are beyond capacity? Many times these organizations are built with too few people and too many requests. The result is that most […]

33 Tangents – Episode #96 – Talking Data, Live Events, & Remote Work with Festival Pass Founder Ed Vincent

On this week’s episode of 33 Tangents, Jason and Jim welcome Ed Vincent to talk about data & live events, entrepreneurship, and remote work. Ed is an entrepreneur with over twenty years of business, technology, and management experience having founded and exited several companies in that time including helping to launch film festivals in multiple […]

33 Tangents – Episode #96 – Talking Data, Live Events, & Remote Work with FestivalPass Founder Ed Vincent

On this week’s episode of 33 Tangents, Jason and Jim welcome Ed Vincent to talk about data & live events, entrepreneurship, and remote work. What kind of data is available in the live event space? How can this data be used to create action? What benefits has FestivalPass seen by embracing a remote first philosophy? […]

Adobe Summit 2020 Session S105 – Data Storytelling: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and How to Do It Effectively

Adobe Summit is about 6 weeks away. I’ve been given an opportunity to share my thoughts, experiences and process to data storytelling at the conference. My session is geared primarily for analysts or data scientists who are capable at finding insights through analysis and looking for ways to better present and highlight those insights to […]

33 Tangents – Episode #95 – Being Busy, Procrastination, and Being Reactionary

Being constantly busy is often times a symptom of procrastination, though people do not feel like they’re procrastinating since they are working. Being in a constant reactionary state makes you feel productive in the moment, but it prevents you from doing the really important things. How do you recognize busy work from valuable work? How […]