Supercharging Your Optimization Practice With Satellite

“Can we run 8-10 optimization campaigns concurrently?”   It seems most executives must have attended the same optimization maturity workshop, as I’m often being approached by organizations, both large and small, to help them mature their optimization practices to a point where they are consistently running 8-10 optimization campaigns concurrently.   What I have discovered […]

Test&Target Global mBox Strategy

A traditional Test&Target deployment requires individual mBoxes to be added to specific site content that has been identified for optimization.   Example:   [javascript] [/javascript]   This approach makes swapping in test content really easy, I just need to create an HTML Offer that contains a different image that I want to test:   Sample […]

Testing Dynamic Content Using Test&Target Widget Offers

Want to see how everything connects together? Watch this freaking awesome video.     Want to know the details? Keep reading….   I recently was presented with an interesting problem: Return a chunk of content from a CMS based on the Offer that Test&Target served up to a visitor.   After doing a little digging […]

Testing Dynamic Content Using Test&Target Widget Offers

Want to see how everything connects together? Watch this freaking awesome video.     Want to know the details? Keep reading….   I recently was presented with an interesting problem: Return a chunk of content from a CMS based on the Offer that Test&Target served up to a visitor.   After doing a little digging […]

Using Omniture's Link Handler Plug-in

  In this tutorial you will learn how to use Omniture’s Link Handler Plug-in to capture additional data to describe links that are being clicked on.   Special thanks to Andreas Dierl   Code Mentioned [javascript] /* * Plugin: linkHandler 0.5 – identify and report custom links */ s.linkHandler=new Function(“p”,”t”,”” +”var s=this,h=s.p_gh(),i,l;t=t?t:’o’;if(!h||(s.linkType&&(h||s.linkN” +”ame)))return ”;i=h.indexOf(‘?’);h=s.linkLeaveQueryString||i