Programmatic Data Analysis a Critical Skill for Digital Analysts

Ever since Randy Zwitch first introduced RSiteCatalyst, an Adobe Analytics R package, to the world, the Digital Analytics industry has had a fascination with programmatic data analysis. For a time, it was the hot topic to be caught discussing at conferences, the thought-leaders were blogging about it, and experts opined about it on their favorite podcasts.

Sharpen Your Analytics Saw

There is overwhelming evidence that top employees are constantly looking to develop their skills, in fact, lack of company support in keeping one’s skills sharp is often listed as a top reason for why employees quit. Yet even though this is a known and accepted fact, many companies simply fail to invest in employee growth — the consulting industry being one of the worst offenders.

How to Sell Your Boss On a New Data Layer

If a tag management solution is the framing of your dream house, the data layer is the foundation upon which your dream house will be built. However very few people get excited about laying a foundation, especially the people writing the checks, so how do you sell your boss on making the investment needed to deploy a solid data layer foundation?

4 Simple Tricks to Optimize Mobile Forms

If visitors accessing your site from a mobile device aren’t in the majority, they will be soon so there should be no excuses not optimize your key conversion funnels for mobile. Unfortunately, when it comes to mobile optimization, the conversation typically starts and ends with responsive design. While utilizing a responsive design is a very important initial step, there are many other key user experiences that should be evaluated for optimization opportunities.

Anatomy of a Poorly Executed Email Campaign

By Jason Thompson, co-founder, 33 Sticks   I recently received an email from a large analytics vendor introducing a new virtual training series. The topic of virtual training being one that is very interesting to me, I actually opened the email rather than sending it directly to the trash, which I typically do with most […]