Adobe Alerts got a major intelligence upgrade

Although we might not like to admit it, we can’t possibly live our lives comfortably while also trying to manually keep track of every key metric, dimension, and segment combination. I think we’ve all probably had moments where we saw some data and told ourselves “I should have caught that sooner.” Maybe we beat ourselves up over it, but the truth is that we always have too much on our plate.

Seamless Anomaly Detection in Adobe Analytics

Over recent years, the average size and complexity of web analytics implementations has absolutely exploded. It is no longer uncommon to see organizations tracking over 100 different success events. The funny thing about events (everything from page views to orders to Facebook shares) is that they tend to fluctuate. Change any report in Adobe Analytics to a long date range and a small granularity and you’ll see what I mean. Maybe it’s the day of week, maybe it’s seasonal, maybe it’s just typical noise, maybe some segment of users has suddenly shifted, or maybe something is broken?

Adding a Sexy UI to RSiteCatalyst using Shiny

Before we begin, it is important to mention that we have long been strong supporters of the work that Randy Zwitch, Willem Paling & Jowanza Joseph have done to create and maintain the extremely powerful Adobe Analytics R Package, RSiteCatalyst. Their dedication to this open-source effort often goes unrecognized which, as the idea of using programmatic analysis for digital analytics data becomes a more accepted practice, we hope will change.