Industry Docs Series #1: the Solution Design Reference (the not-so-secret sauce)

Almost every organization that uses Digital Analytics has some combination of the following documents: Business Requirements Document Solution Design Reference/Variable Map Technical Specifications Validation Specifications/QA Requirements All of the consulting agencies use them and may even have their own special, unique versions of them. They’re often heavily branded and may be closely guarded. And it […]

Enhanced logging for Direct Call Rules and Custom Events for Launch/DTM

UPDATE: The wonderful devs behind Adobe Launch have seen this and may be willing to build it in natively to the product. Please go upvote the idea in the Launch Forums! As discussed previously on this blog, Direct Call Rules have gained some new abilities so you can send additional info with the _satellite.track method, […]

Adobe’s performanceTiming plugin, with some improvements and an explanation

As Page Performance (rightfully) gets more and more attention, I’ve been hearing more and more questions about the Performance Timing plugin from Adobe consulting. Adobe does have public documentation for this plugin, but I think it deserves a little more explanation, as well as some discussions of gotchas, and potential enhancements. How It Works Adobe’s Page […]

DTM-to-Launch Migration Series #3: The Migration Process

Thus far in this series, we’ve discussed your options for a DTM-to-Launch Migration, and some potential areas you can improve upon your solution as part of a migration. As you can see from my previous posts, there are a lot of possible considerations for a DTM-to-Launch migration. So what might the actual process look like […]

DTM-to-Launch Migration Series #2: A Golden Opportunity

Aside from all of the things that Launch handles better than DTM did (which I discussed a bit in my previous post in the series), a move to Launch provides an opportunity to clean up and optimize your implementation (to the point that even if you weren’t moving to Launch, you could still do this […]

DTM-to-Launch Migration Series #1: Options and Considerations

Adobe’s Launch is really building momentum (they just announced the plan to sunset DTM– editing abilities end December 31st, 2019 July 1st, 2020; read-only access dies June 2020 December 31st, 2020 (dates updated to reflect Adobe’s change)), and in the past few months, it feels like almost every day, I get asked “what does a […]

Differences between DTM and Launch to be Aware of

There’s a lot of talk about how Adobe Launch is backwards-compatible- that, aside from a few _satellite methods that may not still work (that were probably not supported to begin with), anything you had in DTM should still work in Launch. But, well, not EVERYTHING in DTM is still going to work in Launch, and […]

How to self-host a Launch Library using the download option

As mentioned in my series on migrating from DTM to Launch, DTM had a few deployment options: An Adobe/Akamai-hosted library (ie, your embed code starts with “//”) An FTP self-hosted library (DTM would push changes through FTP to a location on your own servers) A downloaded self-hosting option (you would manually download after changes and […]

Jenn Kunz to Present at ObservePoint Virtual Summit

Join us for Observepoint’s Virtual Analytics Summit on October 25th! I’ll have the opportunity to speak about measuring and improving not just your data quality, but also the value you get OUT of the data: your data ecosystem, your processes, and your team’s roles. In our industry, there is (deservedly) a lot of attention given […]