33 Tangents – Episode #15 – Keeping Things Simple and the Paradox of More Data

Having more data available is always good and you can never have enough, right? What could go wrong with having many sources of data? This week Jim, Jason, and Jon tackle the paradox of having too much data and what leads to it. Often times we see organizations that are struggling to understand exactly what […]

33 Tangents – Episode #14 – Being “Always On” and Distractions

This week Jim, Jon, and Jason discuss two different, yet related problems faced by remote workers today. The first is the concept of being “always on.” The expectation, explicitly stated or implied, that you’re always accessible via phone, or email, or a messaging platform such as Slack. The second piece is distractions, this could be […]

Analyzing Utah’s Air Quality – Importing Utah Parcels and Assigning AQI Stations

Analyzing Utah’s Air Quality Part 1: Connecting to the EPA’s AQS Data API Part 2: Cleaning and Transforming AQS Data Part 3: Using Shapefiles and Assigning AQI Stations in MapD Part 4: Building the Utah AQI Dashboard in MapD Part 5: Final Analysis: Air Quality Findings   In parts 1 and 2 of this series, […]

33 Tangents – Episode #13 – Remote Work Bloopers & Overcompensation

Remote workers often feel the need to take extra steps to prevent exposing they are not in a corporate office, unlike their counterparts who are in a corporate office. The most common example of this is background noise during a call. Remote workers often take every precaution to prevent anything being heard in the background […]

Analyzing Utah’s Air Quality – Cleaning and Transforming AQS Data

As a lifelong Utahan, I began to wonder how bad is the pollution? The news reporters seem to think it’s pretty bad. The politicians say it’s never been better. So how bad is it? What impact does it have on things like real estate value? How many people are impacted? As we continue our series […]

33 Tangents – Episode #12 – Designing Analytics Solutions

This week Jason and Jim are joined by Jenn Kunz, Principal Architect and data analytics implementor extraordinaire, to discuss the finer points of designing solutions. Components such as wiring up a tag or building a feed are only a part of the entire solution. The ability to keep a view of the bigger picture, identify […]

Analyzing Utah’s Air Quality – Connecting to the EPA’s AQS Data API

Living in a mountain valley is kind of like living in a soup bowl, all the heavy stuff seems to collect on the bottom of the bowl. I want to say that many of the valleys in Utah are referred to as Horst and Graben, although I’m sure some geologist could correct me. Regardless, being […]

33 Tangents – Episode #10 – Stability and Security With Your Job

Growing up and early in our careers, many of us were taught to seek out employment with a large company or in government in order to have a safe and secure job; job security should be our number one priority. Do job security and stability really exist? Is there greater risk in avoiding what appears […]

33 Tangents – Episode #9 – Meetings, meetings everywhere!!!

Have you ever looked at your calendar and wonder if all of those meetings are necessary and important? What are some ways to ensure you control your time and schedule? The struggle is real. This week Jim, Jon, and Jason discuss the ever present problem of too many meetings, not enough time to work on […]