Data Storytelling – Part 3 – The SUGGESTION

Let’s finish out the framework we set out to describe earlier and discuss the most critical part of data storytelling – THE SUGGESTION. Previous posts…Data Storytelling – Introduction1. The SETUP2. The STORY If you’ve been following this series, you’ve been brought along in the way I go about framing up my key analysis presentations for […]

Data Storytelling – Part 2 – The STORY

Other posts in this series:Data Storytelling – Introduction1. The SETUP2. The STORY3. The SUGGESTION Within ‘The Story’ section of your analysis – your goal is to support your thesis through compelling visuals, charts and data points. As you build those visuals, write a compelling narrative that describes the insight you’re deriving from the data set […]

Adobe Summit Presentation: Data Storytelling: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and How to Do It Effectively

Bryant Hoopes — 33 Sticks Your job goes far beyond merely uncovering insights from data. Your work is necessary for creating action that drives positive business results. Unfortunately, the data doesn’t speak for itself. Learn how to maximize the impact of the insights you uncover and garner support from stakeholders, product teams, and executives to […]

Data Storytelling – Part 1 – The SETUP

Other posts in this series:Data Storytelling – Introduction1. The SETUP2. The STORY3. The SUGGESTION You should always set up your data story before you dive into your deep analysis and supporting arguments. The SETUP portion of your data story should focus on accomplishing the following goals: Capture the attention of your audience Size up the […]