Adobe Releases Dynamic Tag Management

Yesterday, Adobe announced the release of Dynamic Tag Management for Adobe Marketing Cloud. Adobe’s new Dynamic Tag Management (DTM) is built upon the robust Satellite platform, which Adobe acquired back in July. As we wrote about in July as the news broke of the acquisition, we felt this move was a huge win for all three parties involved — The Satellite platform, Adobe, and the end-users.
At 33 Sticks, we have been long time believers in, and supporters of, the Satellite brand. I can remember several years ago Evan LaPointe walking me through a very raw version of what would become Satellite and even then, I caught hold of the vision, and knew that Satellite would soon become something very special.
We knew that Satellite was doing something different and we were ready and willing to help support the Satellite team in their efforts. I recall spending a weekend on Skype with Evan as he built a flicker free and seamless integration for Adobe Test&Target (Adobe Target) into Satellite.
Target DTMNow that Satellite has become Adobe Dynamic Tag Management, we will continue to offer our support as we believe DTM is uniquely positioned to reduce the necessary operational cycles that historically have delayed the insights and recommendations we are able to deliver to our clients.
Specifically, in the world of personalization and optimization, DTM will allow us to work more efficiently with our clients in designing and deploying Target mBox tagging strategies, greatly reducing the time involved in each testing cycle — this will allow our clients to realize the revenue gains generated through improved user experiences sooner, rather than later.
Our clients are best served by quick resolutions, this is one of the primary reasons why we NEVER bill our clients by the hour but for the value we are able to deliver. Adobe Dynamic Tag Management fits beautifully into our business philosophy of providing value, rather than billing hours, to our clients.

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