Adobe EMEA Summit 2016 – Day 1

Adobe’s EMEA Summit 2016 is being held on May 11 & 12 in London and this year 33 Sticks will be present. Both Guy Dahan, our Director of Client Success, and I are attending. As we’ve begun working with more UK based clients we felt it was important to have a presence.

Dixons Carphone Office Lobby

Prior to start of Summit, we paid a visit to Dixons Carphone. We’ve been working with Dixons Carphone for the last 9 months and we’ve had a great deal of success working together. This was our first on-site visit to the Dixons office and it was great to see the team there. I’ve worked with travel and hospitality clients that had models in the office so the team members can see what customers experience. Dixons has a fully functioning store in the office providing the same experience that customers have.

Dixons Carphone Office Store

Now on to Summit. Here are some highlights from Day 1:

Adobe EMEA Summit 2016

  • Opening Keynote
    • Tim Lott showed off the new Auto Allocate feature in Target. This looks to have great potential.
    • Giles Richardson from RBS had a great presentation about their testing and personalization program that they’ve dubbed “Rockstar DJs”.
    • As someone who lives in the States where the NFL is ubiquitous, it was great to hear Alistair Kirkwood from NFL Europe speak about how they are bringing the league to Europe.
  • Next we attended the breakout session “The Chef’s Table: Our latest and greatest Adobe Analytics Tips & Tricks” hosted by Ben Gaines and Scott Brown. In this session Ben and Scott compared analysts to sushi chefs saying how analysts have hundreds of ingredients to choose from and it’s their job to put them together in the in right mix and hand them off to stakeholders. Ben introduced a new “performanceTiming” plugin that enables granular metrics around page load performance. I’m going to work with this as soon as possible. Stay tuned.
  • We then had an opportunity to participate in a Target round table conversation during lunch and it was very interesting to hear how one the UK’s largest grocery chains has been using it.
  • Following lunch we sat it on the “The Activation recipe for success: How Dixons Carphone used DTM to be the master of its domain” breakout session hosted by Corey Spencer from Adobe and Eric Bernhard from Dixons. Corey kicked things off by showing how quickly and easily key products like Analytics and Target can be launched through DTM very rapidly. Eric echoed Corey’s sentiments by saying how they saved their marketing 6 months of development by using DTM to deploy Floodlight tags. Eric then proceeded to discuss how important it was for Dixons to come up with a DTM governance plan as the tool became more widely accepted throughout the organization. He talked about while you can move that quickly, you just can’t release what you want, whenever you want. You need to follow a process. He outlined the key steps to develop and adopt a process to harness the power of DTM while getting key stakeholder buy-in.

It’s been great to be out here to meet those that we’ve had a chance to talk to. There has been a lot of awesome stuff discussed so far and we’re excited for Day 2 tomorrow.

[author] Jim Driscoll [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Jim is a consultant on the Solutions Engineering team at 33 Sticks who brings 15 years of solution design and technology implementation experience, with 9 years focused on web analytics and digital marketing technologies.  He is a fitness enthusiast and avid sports fan.  He also thinks he can play golf.[/author_info] [/author]


Published by Jim Driscoll

Jim is an Implementation Consultant on the 33 Sticks team who brings 15 years of solution design and technology implementation experience, with 9 years focused on web analytics and digital marketing technologies. He is also a fitness enthusiast and avid sports fan. He also thinks he can play golf.