Adobe Acquires Satellite TMS

As Satellite users, we received the big news this morning that Adobe has purchased Satellite.
This is the proverbial win-win-win that you don’t always see with acquisitions.
The Win for Satellite
Having been a Satellite user since the very early days, we have long been witness to the elegance of the platform, the value the solution provides, and the desire of the team for the platform to be much more than just a JavaScript delivery tool.
With the backing of Adobe, we believe this will really give the Satellite team the support to continue to work towards their vision of building not a tag management system, in the traditional sense, but a behavior and audience management system that will provide value far greater than today’s code delivery platforms.
The Win for Adobe
The Tag Management market has really been heating up and Adobe has struggled to compete in an ever crowded TMS marketplace but this instantly changes with the acquisition of Satellite. Choosing to purchase a proven technology, that has one of the most advanced and technically solid infrastructures, is a brilliant move by Adobe.
Building on top of the Satellite platform will put Adobe far ahead of where they would have been had they continued to focus on building a TMS solution from scratch. Rather then investing precious engineering time in reinventing a tag delivery solution, this move will really allow Adobe to push the envelope on what can be done with a more advanced behavior and audience management solution.
The Win for Users
It’s been puzzling to us, given the beauty of the platform and the instant value that it delivers, that Satellite has long been left out of the conversation when it comes to talking about the market leaders in the TMS space. However, with the Adobe brand, Satellite will now have the credibility it has long since deserved, which will allow more businesses, both large and small, to benefit from the value the solution provides.
For us existing users, we should be very excited about the injection of even more engineering talent, to more quickly execute on the vision of providing value above and beyond managing blocks of code. As we have mentioned in the past, as analysts, we want solutions that focus on allowing us to do amazing things, ultimately empowering us to create value not just manage blocks of code, and Satellite has provided us with that value and now with the support of Adobe, that value will only continue to increase.
Congratulations to all of our friends at Satellite and Adobe, we are excited to watch two amazing teams merge to create awesome experiences and value for your customers.

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