33 Tangents – Episode #39 – Investing in Consulting

When you hear the word ‘consulting’, many people and organizations often get a sour taste in their mouths. They have been burned in the past by so called “experts” or they think that surly we are smarter about our business than anyone on the outside. 

But…there is amazing value to be gained from bringing in outside expertise. As a services company, 33 Sticks brings in outside experts to help us get to a level we couldn’t get to on our own. 

In this episode, Jim, Jason, and Hila talk about the importance of outside experts, how companies can get the most value from hiring an agency, and how service companies should treat their customers. 


Care About Your Clients



🔊2:40 Why do companies have such a negative view of “consulting”? 

🔊11:00 When you look at outside help as a guide, rather than a consultant, amazing things happen. 

🔊14:45 The importance of setting proper expectations upfront with your agency.

🔊21:00 Jim talks about his perspective based on working for several services companies in the past. 

🔊26:00 Often times outside consulting can be the only consistency your team will have over time.

🔊32:00 Jason talks about the challenges of starting 33 Sticks.

🔊36:45 As a consulting agency, how can you ensure you are delivering value for your clients? 

🔊41:00 You really should CARE!!!



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Published by Jim Driscoll

Jim is an Implementation Consultant on the 33 Sticks team who brings 15 years of solution design and technology implementation experience, with 9 years focused on web analytics and digital marketing technologies. He is also a fitness enthusiast and avid sports fan. He also thinks he can play golf.

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1 Comment

  1. Interesting conversation, to Jason’s early point I have heard the conversation of blaming the consultant. This was pre-internet.

    Working on the corporate side, being witness to consultants who came in, and we were told they were “experts” honestly did more harm than good.

    I have lost track of how many clients told me that their last consultant left them with a bad experience. It then comes down to asking the right questions. If I hear that they had a bad experience, I want to know what happened because it gives me a starting point. Then what are the expectations for the business? The majority of my work is reporting and analysis so having that understanding is vital.

    What I do enjoy more now is growing my level of expertise. I never realized having a good knowledge of Regex goes when needing to write some advanced filters. It does take a lot of patience and practice.

    I agree with what heard because it is about building relationships by creating a great experience and adding value to the organizations that you work with.

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