33 Tangents – Episode #28 – The Most Important Customer Intent Signals to Track

Should I Just Tag All The Things?!?

When it comes to implementing analytics tracking, some feel the need to tag everything a visitor can click on. While there may be value to tracking most of the interactions a visitor can make, there is a core set that can be lost in the mix if not careful. What are the most important interactions on a site to tag first to ensure you’re clearly tracking the important details a customer is trying to tell you? This week Jenn and Jim get deep into the weeds talking about those interactions that they see as most important, those that are distractions and noise, and how to tell the difference.


[icon name=”volume-up” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 3:50 Jenn talks about the importance of tracking site taxonomy and content hierarchy

[icon name=”volume-up” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 7:40 For Jim, one of his top initial implementation steps is to capture internal search

[icon name=”volume-up” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 10:00 Jenn talks about some often overlooked internal search paths e.g. failed searches, auto-complete searches

[icon name=”volume-up” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 18:00 Integrations are often looked at as more advanced things that are done later but Jenn believes some integrations should be done upfront

[icon name=”volume-up” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 21:30 The team discusses popular tracking details that are often just noise

[icon name=”volume-up” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] 31:50 Use the “so what” test to determine if an initial tracking request is really valuable or not



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