33 Tangents – Episode #13 – Remote Work Bloopers & Overcompensation

Remote workers often feel the need to take extra steps to prevent exposing they are not in a corporate office, unlike their counterparts who are in a corporate office. The most common example of this is background noise during a call. Remote workers often take every precaution to prevent anything being heard in the background while those in an office don’t notice how noisy it sounds on the other end. At the root of this is a need for the remote worker for their professionalism and ability to complete work to be called into question. This week, Jim, Jon and Jason discuss this mindset along with moments that have happened to them and while stressful in the moment they can now be laughed at. A few even helped strengthen the bond with the client.

Download the Podcast: https://thirtythreetangents.podbean.com/e/33-tangents-episode-12-remote-work-bloopers-overcompensation/

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