33 Sticks is Live

We are very excited about the launch of our new company and the value we will be driving for our clients.
The Team…
Hila is serving as our principal analyst and optimization architect. She is able to tease stories out of data and present her findings in a way that really resonates with our clients. She also has a proven track record of analysis-based optimization planning, which focuses on revenue generation, and the long-term health of the business.
Jason is the technical side of the house bringing skills from instrumentation architecture to data mining. The last 5 years, he has been focused on building and maturing data-driven organizations through a proven “crawl, walk, run” approach.
With that said, we have a nice overlap of skill sets so Hila is able to talk the tech and Jason is able to talk the business and together our complimentary skills make us a very formidable team.
So what is 33 Sticks?
With the launch of 33 Sticks, we set out to create something unique and special. We decided that we are not interested to sell hours of our time, but rather we would like to offer high value and high quality results to clients that are ready for more sophisticated solutions. We are really excited about this part of our business, as we believe that our client’s interests lie in solving problems and generating greater revenue so we shouldn’t force them into making a buy decision every time they pick up the phone or compose an email. With this model, our clients become true partners, as they collaborate with us to solve real business problems.
We have been asked how we are different from all the other analytics firms that are out there. We can sum it up best by saying that at 33 Sticks, we aren’t traditional web analysts. We are business advisors that just happen to be really good with data.
What are we up to?
We are currently focusing on three target markets.
1. Fortune 500 – We partner with large brands to help them make sense of the massive amounts of data they are collecting and in turn, use that new found knowledge to maximize profits through our strategic services so they can focus on what they do best.
2. Start-ups/Investors – We are working with the start-up community, both start-ups and investors. For start-ups, we are helping them package their data into proposals that can be used to attract funding. We partner with investors to vet out start-ups they are looking to invest in.
3. Agency Growth – Through strategic partnerships with existing agencies we provide leadership and execution for key accounts with the goal of expanding the relationship and generating more business for the agency. For these agencies, we act like an elite team that will parachute in, earn trust quickly through high quality/high value deliverables, increase the maturity of their clients, and then get out.
We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback.
Thank you again for your interest in 33 Sticks, we are excited to have you join us on this journey.
-Jason & Hila

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  1. I love the term “business advisors” in place of web analysts. Far too many places focus on the data first and the business third (yes, they put the business that far down the list). You need to understand the business to understand the data. Hila and Jason understand that.

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