33 Sticks Daily – September 25, 2015

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Conversion Optimization: A List of Psychological Tactics

This article uses academic research to answer questions like ‘Why are contrasting buttons effective?’, ‘Why should you use 1st person CTA wording?’, and ‘Why (and when) are trust symbols effective?

This extremely rich research provides the following for each tactic discussed:

  1. Principle: The psychological principle involved
  2. Example: A visual illustration of the tactic
  3. Explanation: The reason why the tactic is effective
  4. Extra Resources: A/B tests and other related information

Attribution And Web Analytics Are Converging

Beyond simple reporting, marketers want solutions that solve for all of their needs in one place, from data integration, data visualization and marketing mix modeling to business intelligence, measurement and taking action on insights. Vendors are reacting to that need.


Adobe unsurprisingly took the lead, with SAS and Google trailing right behind. But in a sign of where the market is headed, attribution companies like Visual IQ also made an appearance on the chart, occupying the same niche status in the quadrant as predictive analytics provider AgilOne and web analytics vendor Webtrends.


Curation and Sharing in Adobe Analysis Workspace [Video]

Ben Gaines, Adobe Analytics Product Manager, shows how once you have built a project in Analysis Workspace, you can curate (simplify) it and share it with other teams and individuals in your organizations so that they can explore it and self-serve with data. This YouTube video [5:08 minutes] shows you how to work with curation and sharing.



 33 Sticks Daily is a hand curated publication that brings you opinions, insights, and valuable content relating to digital analytics, optimization, and data intelligence – every morning.