33 Sticks Adds Industry Veteran Bryant Hoopes

Bryant Hoopes I started my career in 2004. I’m fascinated by technology, people, and behaviors. Digital marketing is the confluence of those three things and I’ve been fortunate enough to work in this field for my entire career.

Throughout my tenure in the digital marketing space, I’ve had the pleasure of working with hundreds of clients as a strategic advisor, been an adjunct faculty member for a major university teaching the next generation of marketers, performed countless analyses, developed methodologies, and helped both companies individuals achieve their goals. 

My current focus is on data and analysis which leads to recommendations on how to improve return on marketing & advertising investment for companies. It comes in the form of 3 tenants: Data Integrity, Automation, Meaningful Insights & Optimization.

Data Integrity
So frequently I see individuals and organizations performing analysis on incorrect data – either because it’s captured improperly or processed incorrectly. Rigorous validation and testing should be part of every data organization to ensure that the data consumers and marketers leveraging the data are able to make sound business decisions based on a strong foundation of accurate data. I join 33 Sticks with the mantra “Bad data is worse than no data.” I’m here to help ensure that our clients do not put themselves in worse positions by making decisions on incorrect or falsified reports.

Reporting, Dashboarding, Data Visualization, and Automation when set up correctly eliminate menial hours for humans to compile data. Machines are built to do this better than us while we can apply logic, reasoning, and insights to the data. If you’re spending the majority of your time reporting data instead of analyzing it – let us help you change that paradigm so that the time you spend is on what you do best – thinking.

Meaningful Insights & Optimization
Interpretation of a line chart and comparing it to multiple data sources is challenging. It’s hard to decipher whether or not a correlation does imply causation and whether or not a change in variable X will have the desired outcome in resulting variable Y. Through structured testing & optimization methodologies it is possible to predict outcomes with confidence. This will ensure that marketing dollars aren’t spent on frivolous campaigns with limited success and ROI can be more likely maximized.

I’m joining 33 Sticks at this point in my career for a number of reasons but most importantly, I’ve known 33 Sticks for a number of years and I’m 100% aligned with the approach to decision making, client relationships, and philosophy of the company. I’m excited to work with a small team with a singular focus on a no-compromise approach to company culture and authenticity. I intend on sharing my experience through the 33 Sticks platform, so stay tuned and keep in touch. 


[author][author_image timthumb=’on’]https://33sticks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/3740ad70-5e69-42ad-98a9-d5ad821842b0.png[/author_image] [author_info]Bryant joins 33 sticks with 15 years of software consulting, advertising agency, education instruction and leadership experience. His passion is for elevating and leading people in all aspects of his life both professionally and personally. He’s based out of Salt Lake City, UT.
[/author_info] [/author]


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